My blog is a spot where I am supposed to let out what I am feeling in a good healthy clean way. Its my expression and my opinions. I like constructive criticism. Calling me a stupid bitch through a comment on my blog is not going to happen any more. All comments like that have been removed. They didn't really bother me. The comments were just annoying. By law, I have every right to state my opinions. If you don't like them, be smart and walk away. Why start drama up? That is just the classic high schooler or middle schooler move. How about growing up?
People have been teased so much that they have decided to bring guns to school and shoot up the school. I am not saying that I would or will ever do that but what is usually the reason that those people do that? Oh yes, its because people have teased them so much that they want to do something about it. So think the next time you say something that can be hurtful to people. I try to be very aware of what I say as not to hurt people. Smile at a person passing in the hall. You might make their day. Just over all be nice. I know I can't change the world but I can change myself and I can try to change the people in this world who are close to me. But if they don't want to then that is up to them.
Just try to think of others before you say something or do something. You can make a difference in the world. I know its hard to do this when you feel like your world is crumbling beneath you. Trust me, I have been there and experienced it many times before. Go out and volunteer some place! It might just be the thing to cheer you up.
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