Sunday, November 15, 2009

Rant about iTunes

How hard could it possibly be to keep track of my 1991 songs plus 1 music video, 2 podcasts, and other parts to it? Well FREAKING hard for Apple's iTunes.

Evidence #1
I just re-downloaded Linkin Park's Meteora album. I go to check out if iTunes actually downloaded the album artwork cause it is annoying and boring to see the non-album artwork symbol on my iPod. Anyways, what do they put in the artwork area? They put Linkin Park's String Quartet Tribute album artwork for Meteora in instead. HELLO! Its not the Sting Quartet Tribute one. I gave that one to my ex-bf since he plays the freaking cello and would like it!

Evidence #2
Is it just me or does iTunes have updates every week? They pop up with their little reminder saying "There is a new update for iTunes. Would you like to download it?". Of course, you click yes thinking that just maybe iTunes will be better. NO! They suck even more with the confusing new things they added and is very hard to get around now! STOP COMING UP WITH UPDATES, iTUNES!

Evidence #3
I would like to buy more games on my iPod. Realize this, I have a 4th generation video iPod Nano. Anyways, I like playing games on my iPod right before I go to sleep some nights. Well, the only game I really play is Solitare (sp?). I have like 200 and some plays on it. Thats because they don't really have any other better default games so I bought Cake Mania a while back. WELL THAT ONE SUCKS! So now, I want to buy a new game but are they any where to be found. NO! All that you can get is the iPod touch applications. Hello... Thats not the only iPod! (Btw, if you have any idea about this and Im just being blind, please point it out towards me on where in the iTunes store I can find games for the iPod nano.)

Evidence #4
Everyone is a little guilty of getting their music else where instead of iTunes where you have to pay for it, right? So thats what I did. Well some music can only be found on a movie soundtrack. For example, Linkin Park's New Divide can only be found on the Transformers soundtrack. So I have the song picked out and I go and get it from a different source (Limewire). Then, transfer it to iTunes. I make sure the album name matches up perfectly to the ones on iTunes Store. I click Get Album Artwork. Message comes up "Sorry, this artwork could not be found." WHAT? BULLS*#@. FAIL!

Evidence #5
I own the Black Ice album of AC/DC so i put in into my computer to go onto iTunes so I have it on my iPod. I download it. It finishes and no artwork comes up. I click "Get Album Artwork". Message comes up "This album artwork could not be found." I check iTunes and of course they dont have the album in their store. Wtf? Its AC/DC, one of the greatest rock bands ever. Not only has this happened to my AC/DC album but also to my Beatles cd and Kid Rock cd. Does that make any sense that three great bands/artists that are so well known don't even have their albums on iTunes, one of the major ways to get music now these days?

Oh, I could go on forever, it seems. Have any comments, you know what to do with them.

Summary of this note: iTunes fails and needs to figure some stuff out! Seriously!!!

Friday, November 13, 2009


Addiction? What does it mean? Some say its something that you can't get rid of or have a hard time trying to. Others say its a habit or practice that is not healthy for you. Both are right. When you hear the word: Addiction, what do you think of? Personally, I think of drugs and alcohol. They are both deadly and very addictive. That addiction is very hard to get rid of and truthfully you cant do it by yourself.

Lately, I have been watching this new MTV show called "Gone Too Far". I recommend it to everyone.
Here is the link:

Its about how Adam "DJ AM" Goldstein helps addicts of all kinds of drugs and alcohol clean and sober themselves up. DJ AM, himself, did drugs. He sobered up long enough to help other people but died this year in a sad sad death. This show is very emotional. To date, it is the only show to have made me actually shed real tears. It has made me realize things that I have never thought about so before.

Lately, I have been thinking about new careers. A couple weeks ago, I wanted to own my own record company, of course, a rock music record company. People told me I would have to be prepared for the true saying "sex, drugs, and rock n roll". I considered myself ready at this young of age. I would be even more ready by the time I would open it. But after watching the latest episode of "Gone Too Far", I realized that I could help people with their drug issues and alcohol addiction in a rehab center. I would be able to use my knowledge of heroin and meth to use in a very productive way. Mind you, those are the two of the top deadliest drugs known to mankind as of now. And also the two drugs I would like to try under a controlled project (which consists of trying it once, not a high dose, with clean equipment, and then going to rehab *side note there are people who do that to better understand how to help people with their addiction).

If you do know anyone who is experiencing problems with addiction, get them help. No one thing is worth being addicted to. We should be free to live our lives and not be weighed down by some thing that is bad for us. DJ AM helped people recover from their addictions and so can we.