Sunday, November 15, 2009

Rant about iTunes

How hard could it possibly be to keep track of my 1991 songs plus 1 music video, 2 podcasts, and other parts to it? Well FREAKING hard for Apple's iTunes.

Evidence #1
I just re-downloaded Linkin Park's Meteora album. I go to check out if iTunes actually downloaded the album artwork cause it is annoying and boring to see the non-album artwork symbol on my iPod. Anyways, what do they put in the artwork area? They put Linkin Park's String Quartet Tribute album artwork for Meteora in instead. HELLO! Its not the Sting Quartet Tribute one. I gave that one to my ex-bf since he plays the freaking cello and would like it!

Evidence #2
Is it just me or does iTunes have updates every week? They pop up with their little reminder saying "There is a new update for iTunes. Would you like to download it?". Of course, you click yes thinking that just maybe iTunes will be better. NO! They suck even more with the confusing new things they added and is very hard to get around now! STOP COMING UP WITH UPDATES, iTUNES!

Evidence #3
I would like to buy more games on my iPod. Realize this, I have a 4th generation video iPod Nano. Anyways, I like playing games on my iPod right before I go to sleep some nights. Well, the only game I really play is Solitare (sp?). I have like 200 and some plays on it. Thats because they don't really have any other better default games so I bought Cake Mania a while back. WELL THAT ONE SUCKS! So now, I want to buy a new game but are they any where to be found. NO! All that you can get is the iPod touch applications. Hello... Thats not the only iPod! (Btw, if you have any idea about this and Im just being blind, please point it out towards me on where in the iTunes store I can find games for the iPod nano.)

Evidence #4
Everyone is a little guilty of getting their music else where instead of iTunes where you have to pay for it, right? So thats what I did. Well some music can only be found on a movie soundtrack. For example, Linkin Park's New Divide can only be found on the Transformers soundtrack. So I have the song picked out and I go and get it from a different source (Limewire). Then, transfer it to iTunes. I make sure the album name matches up perfectly to the ones on iTunes Store. I click Get Album Artwork. Message comes up "Sorry, this artwork could not be found." WHAT? BULLS*#@. FAIL!

Evidence #5
I own the Black Ice album of AC/DC so i put in into my computer to go onto iTunes so I have it on my iPod. I download it. It finishes and no artwork comes up. I click "Get Album Artwork". Message comes up "This album artwork could not be found." I check iTunes and of course they dont have the album in their store. Wtf? Its AC/DC, one of the greatest rock bands ever. Not only has this happened to my AC/DC album but also to my Beatles cd and Kid Rock cd. Does that make any sense that three great bands/artists that are so well known don't even have their albums on iTunes, one of the major ways to get music now these days?

Oh, I could go on forever, it seems. Have any comments, you know what to do with them.

Summary of this note: iTunes fails and needs to figure some stuff out! Seriously!!!

Friday, November 13, 2009


Addiction? What does it mean? Some say its something that you can't get rid of or have a hard time trying to. Others say its a habit or practice that is not healthy for you. Both are right. When you hear the word: Addiction, what do you think of? Personally, I think of drugs and alcohol. They are both deadly and very addictive. That addiction is very hard to get rid of and truthfully you cant do it by yourself.

Lately, I have been watching this new MTV show called "Gone Too Far". I recommend it to everyone.
Here is the link:

Its about how Adam "DJ AM" Goldstein helps addicts of all kinds of drugs and alcohol clean and sober themselves up. DJ AM, himself, did drugs. He sobered up long enough to help other people but died this year in a sad sad death. This show is very emotional. To date, it is the only show to have made me actually shed real tears. It has made me realize things that I have never thought about so before.

Lately, I have been thinking about new careers. A couple weeks ago, I wanted to own my own record company, of course, a rock music record company. People told me I would have to be prepared for the true saying "sex, drugs, and rock n roll". I considered myself ready at this young of age. I would be even more ready by the time I would open it. But after watching the latest episode of "Gone Too Far", I realized that I could help people with their drug issues and alcohol addiction in a rehab center. I would be able to use my knowledge of heroin and meth to use in a very productive way. Mind you, those are the two of the top deadliest drugs known to mankind as of now. And also the two drugs I would like to try under a controlled project (which consists of trying it once, not a high dose, with clean equipment, and then going to rehab *side note there are people who do that to better understand how to help people with their addiction).

If you do know anyone who is experiencing problems with addiction, get them help. No one thing is worth being addicted to. We should be free to live our lives and not be weighed down by some thing that is bad for us. DJ AM helped people recover from their addictions and so can we.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Stupid phone companies

I guess I will start out with the thing that has made me the most upset and is the most recent.

This last March, my family finally decided to get a cell phone plan. We went with Alltel. Well with our Alltel plan, we could either choose between nights starting at 7 or 1000 free messages but you also have free messages to anyone in your circle or who has an Alltel phone line. A couple weeks after we had recieved our cell phone lines, we hear that Verizon is looking into buying out Alltel. A month or so down the road... thats what happens. Verizon and Alltel have joined together to supposedly make the largest network now. A few months come and go and we have not recieved any word of any changes that Verizon is making so my family thinks that every thing is just the same. Wow! How we could ever be so wrong! About a month ago, we finally recieved word from the brand new company that certain changes have been made. For instance, picture messaging wouldn't be considered free any more through our plan. Also, instead of having the name be MyCircle, its going to be called Friends & Family. So all changes I can gladly deal with some what.

Well, I go on today to update MyCircle (I mean Friends & Family) since someone that was in that "circle" had their phone number change and I wanted my free messaging to him. I go on to the Alltel website to do so and they direct me to Verizon. Then, I have to go through this whole process to update our family's profile.

I finally get into our account and I go to finish what I my whole plan was supposed to be. Go to the Friends & Family spot in the website. I update that person's number and I scroll down to find out we have 11 spots in our Friends & Family now instead of 10. My heart jumped in excitement that my mother or I were going to have another free number to call or text. Well, I get to the bottom to see a *note. It says any number in the Friends & Family plan does not recieve free text messages to each other only unlimited minutes. GRRRR!!! That totally ruins everything.

So I start searching through the website to see how much unlimited texting for just my line would be. NO where on the website could I find out where it said the price of unlimited texting. Great!! So now, I dont know how much it is for unlimited texting and I cant text my 4 people that Im always texting anymore without having it go against the free 1000 text messages (which I dont even know if I have anymore). Fantastic! Didn't my family just choose the best company ever to go with? I rather have T-Mobile now!

1. Why would you change something as big as that and not tell your customers? Oh thats right! Cause they are selfish companies who want all your money since they are running out of money!

2. Why would you not have a place on your website that tells how much it would cost for unlimited texting? Oh because they are selfish companies who again want your money so they are going to make you upgrade your plan so that everyone on the plan gets unlimited texting. But wait! My sister and mother dont want texting!!! So how does this work now?

If I knew that Alltel was going to turn out like this, I would have told my mother to stay with my pre-paid phone company, T-Mobile!

In conclusion, phone companies are selfish money hogging companies that are not helping out the problem we are having enough troubles with which is the economy!

But on a positive note, my favorite holiday is right around the corner! Yay! I love halloween. Just the whole idea of dressing up and being someone or something different. Its also the night that I spend researching something spooky! Also, who doesnt like candy? If you haven't already heard, Im going to be a Lady Gangster this year. I went out with friends today to pick up the last little parts that I needed to finish my outfit. I tried it on when I got home and it totally looks sick!! Amazing and Awesome! My mother said I looked like Bonnie from Bonnie And Clyde!! She, also, said that I should call up a certain guy to be my Clyde. I told her no! Angela has a fake gun cocked and ready to go! Be on the lookout for a crazy girl with a fake white gun.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Random BLAH! note

Lets just start with my thoughts from the VMAs (Video Music Awards). By far, this has been the best VMAs in a long time. Filled with alot of stories for the paparazzi. Talking about paparazzi. Leads to what I was saying. Lady Gaga had a pretty good performance. I totally love the FX (fake) blood idea she used. Maybe thats just my love for theatre coming in. Also, I have to say she comes up with the most unique clothing outfits. I can not count how many times I saw her in a different outfit. And they are forsure unique. You don't see people walking around with outfits like hers even if sometimes they might show too much skin. And her videos too. They are done with such a (insert some word to describe it). I don't know if it has to do with her being Bi or what.
Im sure everyone has heard the whole Kayne West rude thing. I'm proud to have Obama as a president even more just because he did call Kayne a jack@$$. Thats all I'm really going to say on that.
Pink's performance: Well, her performance was pretty good! Not many people have done the whole circus act while at the VMAs (even Britney Spears. I hope you get that small joke.) On the other hand, her outfit was totally inapporiate! Put some clothes on! One little plastic piece of fabric covering the nipple of your chest just does not work! If anyone reading this becomes a major fashion designer or someone famous, please never do that with your own body.
I'm just a little disappointed in MTV though. The nominations that they had for rock video just were not good selections. Coldplay is not all that rockish. Sorry to say but its the truth! The VMAs are always surrounded around the top pop hits. The stuff that is played on KROC, our local pop/hip-hop station. What about the rest of the music? Latino? Metal? Classical? You never see award shows for those types of music. Or not that often.
One really annoying thing that I have found over this summer has been when I have been riding my bike. I will just be riding my bike down a some what busy road for instance the Frontage Road by my house and some car will just drive by and all of sudden you hear a whistle directed at you. Or even worse they stare at you. Its just plain creepy. And I have found that it seems to be more foreign people than anyone else who does it! Does anyone know the reason for this? Or why people have to be so creepy sometimes?
Whats with the teachers this year? By the end of the first week of school, I was already stressed. The pile of homework just kept getting bigger. Why do they have to pile so much onto us right away? Um excuse me! We had a whole break for 3 months from school. Well, hopefully! You have to let us get into the swing of everything again. NOT stress us out. (I believe that is why I got sick cause I seem to always feel better when Im just calm and not stressful.) I hear the freshman say Yay! I don't have any or much homework. Well, they are just plain lucky then. Does it have anything to do with the fact that I'm in all honors? Or are teachers just expecting more out of us. It doesn't forsure help when our band director makes us do a combined rehearsal almost every week so therefore Im already missing school. I miss being able to do my homework. Get it done and then be able to go where and do whatever! Feel the same? Give me a holla!
So I made a little vow to myself not to get caught up in boy drama this year but what happens.. I get caught up in boy drama! Can't live with them! Can't live without them. Thats really all I'm going to say on that matter.
I have been a little annoyed with my work lately with the whole fact that I haven't been getting hours. But I did pick up hours last weekend. And its a good thing I did! I guess I miss work! Especially some of those few co-workers who are pretty cool! *cough cough* Unless, If I'm working with all guys. Plus, somethings are bothering me with work.
Update of my life for those who care: I heard from my dad yesterday. Well actually... My mother decided to call him which I then showed her how to use *67 so he can't get ahold of us by our cell phones. Anyways, so yeah. That went down so I'm having a little difficult time dealing with all that. But its life! I will get through it! I always do cause I'm a strong independent woman! (Not being big headed right there. Just being positive. :D)
So my favorite holiday is coming up soon. If you guessed Halloween, then you are right! I have a problem. Well, I guess problems. One is how I'm going to scare the kids this year. FX blood always does the trick! Anyways, and the other problem is what am I going to be this year? These are the questions that have been wondering through my head at random moments. If you got any suggestions for me, then go ahead and tell me!
Who is excited for this homecoming week this year? If you haven't heard the days yet so far here there are:
Monday - Class Color Day (Freshman - some color, Sophmores - i believe yellow, Juniors- purple, seniors - blue, staff- black)
Tuesday - Old Timer's Day (dress like your grandparents)
Wacky Wednesday like norm.
Thursday - Western Style day! (dress like a cowgirl/cowboy)
Fanatic Friday like norm.
So thats that! Unique but a few hard days in there for certain students.
I updated my iTunes to the 9.0 version. It is confusing as heck to get around! Thats my personal opinion! It seems like everytime Apple comes out with a new iPod, they HAVE to come up with a more confusing iTunes. Hopefully, I will get used to it by the time I buy the new Hollywood Undead songs which would have already been bought if... We won't go on with that.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Sex, Drugs, Alcohol, and Rock N Roll-True life of a Rock Star

Nikki Sixx. Kurt Cobain. Jimi Hendrix. Jim Morrison.
What do all of these rock stars have in common besides that they are rock stars? They all slept around with different woman, did/do drugs, or have/had a major alcohol problem. But is this the real life of a rock star? Do all rock stars do one of the following above problems? Or do those above problems make them who they are which makes them great for that reason? So I have done a little research to see about this. I picked a few rock stars with the help of a very good friend of mine. So lets get started and meet who we have picked.

Jacoby Dakota Shaddix - Jacoby is known most famously for being the head vocals in the band Papa Roach but he is also working on a side project called Fight The Sky. He has been known as many other names. For example, Coby Dick, Johnny Vodka, and Dakota Gold are just a few to be named. He hosts the MTV show, Scarred. He grew up in California. His parents divorced when he was 6 years old. He has a small degree of ADHD. In his young years, he worked as a janitor. He played the clarinet (<3) and also football. He has tattoos placed all over his body. Jacoby is married ( :( ) and has two boys. Some of his music influences are Nine Inch Nails, Green Day, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Rage Against the Machine, Nirvana, and Stone Temple Pilots. He has confessed to have a drug and alcohol problem. Also, he confessed that he is a victim of self-mutilation (injuring himself).

Adam Wade Gontier - Adam is the lead singer, rhythm guitarist, and main-songwriter of Three Days Grace. He was born in Canada. He has been influenced by his parents, The Beatles, Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam, and more. Not only has he worked with Three Days Grace but also Daughtry, Seether, and Apocalyptica. He has appeared in the movie, Raise Your Voice in which Three Days Grace performed. Adam went to rehab for addiction to OxyContin. In rehab, he wrote most of the songs on Three Days Grace's album, One-X.

Not-So Modern:
James (Jim) Douglas Morrison - Jim was the head singer of The Doors. He was also a poet, writer, and filmmaker. He was ranked as 47th on Rolling Stone's "100 Greatest Singers of All Time". Because his father was in the United States Navy, they moved often. After graduating from college, he broke off most of his family contact. After The Doors made their fourth studio LP, Morrison came to recording sessions drunk. He was also late for live performances. At the 1969 concert at the Dinner Key Auditorium, he tried to start a riot in the audience. He was later arrested and charged for indecent exposure. He had sex with many women even though Pamela Courson and Patricia Kennealy were his two main women. He died at the age of 27 in Paris. He was found in a bathtub full of water. There was no autopsy performed on him because the medical examiner claimed that there was no evidence of foul play. Pamela Courson stated to people that Jim died of heroin overdose, having believed that it was cocaine. He, indeed, throughout his rockstar life did cocaine.

Nikki Sixx - Nikki Sixx is the bassist and main songwriter of the band, Mötley Crüe. He is also an author and photographer. Not only has he been in Mötley Crüe but also the bands London, 58, Brides of Destruction, and Sixx: A.M. (<3).>The Heroin Diaries: A Year in the Life of a Shattered Rock Star, a collection of his journal entries from 1986 and 1987. This was when his heroin addiction was at its most dangerous. He, then, worked on the soundtrack to be released with the book called "The Heroin Diaries" (<3) by. Sixx: A.M..

So in conclusion does the whole rock star life always have to do with the above problems? Of course not! But do most rock stars have the above problems? Yes, they do. Is this how the saying "Sex, drugs, and Rock N Roll" came into effect? I quite believe so. Also, did anyone else realize that the not so modern rock stars seem to have an alot more interesting life (It was very easy to research them compared to the modern rock stars.).